
In two panel discussions, participants from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium will discuss the potentials and challenges of the border region.

The first round is dedicated to the topic of cross-border transformation. The participants will discuss what the current challenges mean for a border region. The energy transition, circular economy and climate policy are key issues that make a region fit for the future. What challenges have we already overcome, where do our strengths lie and what is our vision for future cross-border cooperation?

The second discussion focusses on the cross-border Daily Urban System. What makes a region a common region? What connections exist and what networks still need to be created? Where does cross-border co-operation take place today? What has already been achieved and how can we strengthen the links even further? How do we see the common future? And what do the panellists expect from the European elections?

In addition to the discussions, the conference also offers numerous opportunities for networking and discussions with players from politics, science, administration and civil society organisations.

09.30 a.m.

Arrival with a kopje koffie

10.00 a.m.


  • Sibylle Keupen, Mayor of Aachen
  • Roel Wever, Mayor of Municipality Heerlen
10.30 a.m.


  • drs. T.J.F.M. Bovens, Member of the Upper House of the States General of the Netherlands
10.55 a.m.

Video Message

  • Armin Laschet, Member of the German Bundestag
11.00 a.m.

Panel discussion Cross-border transformation

  • Casper Gelderblom, Wethouder of Municipality Heerlen, Initiator European, Centre for Circular Building and Transformation (ECCBT)
  • Daniel Hilligsmann, Head of Cabinet of the Government of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
  • Dr. phil. Jacqueline Lemm, Head of TFI, Institute for Building Products, Aachen
  • Rico Luijten, Business Development Manager, Chemelot
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing.Thomas Ritz, University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Prorector for Research, Innovation and Transfer
  • Heiko Thomas, Councillor of the City of Aachen for Climate, Environment, City Operations + Buildings


  • Ing. J.H.W.M. Gubbels, Director Discovery Museum
12.30 a.m.

Lunch with opportunity for networking

1:30 p.m.

Possibility to take part in a guided tour of the museum's current exhibitions

2 p.m.

Start of the afternoon programme with a little surprise

2:30 p.m.

Panel discussion Daily Urban System

  • Markus Terodde, Head of Department for Education, Youth and Structural Development of the Aachen City Region
  • Dr. Dominik Elsmann, Head of the Euregional Coordination Centre of Aachener Verkehrsbetriebe
  • Prof. Christa Reicher, Chair of Urban Planning and Design and Institute of Urban Planning and European Urban Studies at RWTH Aachen University
  • Walter Pijls, Brigthland Campus, Heerlen
  • Jörg Vomberg, Ministry of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
4 p.m.

End of the official part

4:15 p.m.

Borrel + Networking

Moderation: Simone von Trier

The event will be moderated in English. Other conference languages are German + Dutch